Holding Companies
Business conglomerates like Holding companies are like an umbrella having various subsidiaries/ units working under it could be possibly operating in different countries.
Holding companies because having multiple units working under it requires a different business system to work across its environment which would be catered to the needs of the different requirements as per the working of its units. In such a situation employing the best software so that uniformity in the data is created and can be accessed as such, it requires highly skilled technical knowledge.
And possessing such skill and with experience is Maison Consulting and Solutions.
Working with numerous holding companies we have gained the experience of deploying single instances for the whole business.
Successfully including localizations of 36 countries.
Deployment of business software is not an easy feat but more difficult is syncing the data and bringing in it use for the actual users of it.
Data processing and sharing and the continuous update of the data in decision making is a must in a Holding Company, Maison has tested solutions that were successfully able to do so. Partitioning the application data to be used by different business units satisfying their needs